This is a new page and will include things I have done for school. It will include reports for the public to read and even a web page I did for school. Or, if you wish, you can visit the McBain High School Homepage.

McBain High School Homepage Our school's official homepage.

Physician Assisted Suicide A report on the controversial topic of physician assisted suicide.

Biological Weapons A report on another controversial topic, biological weapons.

The Ebola Virus A frightening report on the dreaded Ebola virus!

Webpager. The Webpager Homepage!

A report on the book, The Cobra Event. Written by Richard Preston.

A report on the book, Pandora. Written by Anne Rice.

A report on the book, Harpy Thyme. Written by Piers Anthony.

A report on the book, The Client. Written by John Grisham.

A report on the book, The Jingo. Written by Terry Pratchett.

A report on the book, Antibodies. Written by Kevin J. Anderson.

A report on the book, Venus on the Half-Shell. Written by Kilgore Trout.

A report on the book, Mort. Written by Terry Pratchett.

A report on the book, Slaughterhouse Five. Written by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Grab this torch to return the the main hall.